


商店的話 - Hi! I am Yuki Lam, an Industrial Designer, film photography lover and mother to a lovely daughter. I enjoy crafting handmade item during my free time while my daughter is sleeping, mostly during midnight. The sense of satisfactions of accomplishment when someone LOVES my work is indescribable by words. I always feel that handmade item is much more interesting and meaningful than machine made although they are imperfect. It feels so great to say, "I made this just for you." This is what make handmade item so sweet and full of love and humanize which machine made items can't provide.

::愉悅流蘇系列:: 可愛撞色迷你流蘇耳環

賞想價: HK$135.00

::愉悅流蘇系列:: 絢麗撞色簡約流蘇耳環耳釘

賞想價: HK$213.00

::極簡幾何系列:: 簡約幾何混搭形狀個性不對稱耳環

賞想價: HK$290.00

::甜蜜邂逅系列:: 甜蜜浪漫貝殼珍珠捕夢網流蘇手链

賞想價: HK$243.00

::天空之迷系列:: 簡約夢幻天空浪漫雨天耳環耳釘花托

賞想價: HK$243.00